Make sure to use capital letters when entering your citation number if your citation contains letters (GP)
Make sure to use slashes when entering our date of birth (MM/DD/YYY)
IMPORTANT: If you have an
outstanding Bench Warrant, your license may be suspended. Payment of the Bench Warrant does not automatically clear your matter with the DMV. It is your responsibility to take your receipt to the DMV to have your license reinstated.
Make sure to use capital letters when entering your citation number if your citation contains letters (GP)
Make sure to use slashes when entering our date of birth (MM/DD/YYY)
IMPORTANT: If you have an
outstanding Bench Warrant, your license may be suspended. Payment of the Bench Warrant does not automatically clear your matter with the DMV. It is your responsibility to take your receipt to the DMV to have your license reinstated.
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